
hey do you remember?

9 months ago

we haven't known each other

we just a couple of friends, that meet unfortunately

in my room, together we share our happiness

somehow, there was a barking sound from below

wew, it must be a puppy hahaa

4 months is not a long time for 2 people in love

i knew you want to leave soon

you knew that you have to leave me

why do i have to met you?

just right a couple of month before you went away

why don't we met, when we still in a high school? we were at the same school!

hahaa do you remember when i said "i love you" for the first time?

hahaa, it just the same like now! my English is still not good! hahahahaaaaaa

hahaa, its okay, that's why i use English for my blog, (i wont stop learning)

it sounds crazy for me, we haven't met for 5 month since you went to German

how long you will stay there? hahahaa (you cant answer it for sure!)

Ive told you before, that you will stay for a long time there hehee

hmmm okay, tonight i just want to remind you

that we've been through all of these situation

its hard for us, but i know for sure that we could through this LDR! hahaha

vaskuuuu happy 9 month anniversary yaaaaa

i cant give you something for now

just pray the best for you there, and also for us hehehee

okay love you, hope you read this!


3 komentar:

  1. AArrGGGGHHH ini fto yg mana dimana kpn????

    ah lo mah sebel deh,grr

    td mlm gw uda cek cek fnk tp blm ada

    hsl karya lo yg br jek.

    br lo buat ni,kpn gtw dahh


    eh lagian itu fto di cipinang bukan 9 bln yg lalu

    ya kan??

    emm knp ga dr SMA aja jadian?
    skalian aje dr SMP gmn rud
    kita kan tarq jg yeee bnr dah klo dr smp

    berarti 8 thn mau 9 thn deh kita sekarang

    daaa,love you too rud:D

  2. hahaha ini foto di cipinang vaaaa

    gak inget kan?

    lo pake baju biru, maksi masih lo gendong2


    ini kemaren malem buatnya lo gak teliti sih makanya

    cek yang bener hahaha

    oke love oyuuu

  3. nera...HAHAHHA..ELVA2:12 PM, Desember 10, 2009

    kagakkk bohong ahh

    gw uda cek apa lo hidden dulu kali

    gw uda liatt wee.tau gw liat itu dicipinang
    bangku ukirannya liat.bju biru yang mana ya tp?
